Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Bangladesh is not a tourist destination

This is real travel. This is not for those who need to feel comfortable in their surroundings, for those who feel pick pocketing won't happen to them. You have to steel yourself against the sight of incredibly poor, and sometimes disfigured, people begging for pennies - actually fractions of US pennies. Honestly, you have to steel yourself at the sight of most upwardly mobile entrepreneurs in Old Dhaka. All of this can be incredibly disturbing. But, if you look closer you see the incredible life, spirit and culture that is here. The people here are welcoming and friendly. They are very proud of their country and their heritage. This is a country that has been able to maintain their culture (so far) in the face of technological development, an influx of foreign capital, and a tumultuous history. There are signs of hope - the open air schools in the seaport that educate children on break from their jobs; the state supported universities that charge no more than $5 US per month tuition; the many joint ventures advertised that help Bangladeshis develop their entrepreneurial economy. The people here are beautiful powerful and strong. It's easy to miss (for a westerner).

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